On the 25th May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force. As a company who holds personal data relating to your business, we are legally obliged to inform you of what data we hold. Please take time to read and accept this request so we are able to still provide a service to you. To confirm your consent, please complete this form and return.


We will keep your personal data secure and we will not share your data with any business. We will only keep your information for as long as necessary. We only keep your business name, business address, business contact names and phone numbers, email addresses, Passwords that are changed on request. These are only kept in our office365 email. Bank details only of suppliers. Once personal data is no longer needed, we will destroy it. If your backup has external replication to our office they are stored in a locked office on to USB Drives.



We would like to retain your data on file for any future provision of services we may provide or procure from you. The main way in which we do this is to record your organisation’s details on our Customer/Suppliers list. This will also allow us to contact you using the details you have provided us. We only keep the minimum amount of data needed, with limited individuals having access to such data.


Please note that you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. Customer Data and customer backups are the responsibility of the customer. We at Frear-UK will provide email reports and full backup/data support. Frear UK Desktop (TDC+) and Server care products include supply 24/7 pro active support for your network. Includes telephone support 09:00 to 17:30 Monday to Friday. All windows and webroot updates. We aim to respond within eight hours of support contact being made.